1. It's the night before your biggest test yet. What are you doing?
A. Helping a friend study
B. Reading on extra topics
C. Finding and comparing different articles
D. Meditating to settle your nerves
E. Trying to study while playing dodgeball
2. Your country has just declared war on its enemy. You have been offered a job in the government. You take:
A. Nurse
B. Tactics advisor
C. Interrogator
D. None of them. You start a peaceful resistance protest.
E. Soldier
3. You're running from Shia LaBoeuf! What do you do once you feel safe?
A. Bring him some blankets because it is a cold night
B. Search your GPS history to find the location of his cottage
C. Go to the police and tell them the whole story
D. Send a tip in to the police
E. Grab your gun and backtrack end a tip in to the police
4. Your least favorite animal is
A. Honey Badger
B. Dodo bird
C. Rat
D. Scorpion
E. Chicken
5. Night night! What are your pjs like? (girls)
A. Simple gray nightgown
B. Practical flame proof blue nightgown
C. Black and white block shirt, black shorts
D. colorful shirt, patterny pants!
E. Ripped black tank, short shorts