Oh, hello there. I didn't see you come in. If you are looking for some entertaining videos, please click the internet links directly below this message. Oh, and these aren't my videos just in case they're copyrighted or something.
Hi there. I suppose you've been reading this blog, and am wondering where I get all this free time. Well, if you are looking for a fun new hobby, go on to my VillageTown blog today!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi, sorry it's been so long. Are you thankful for all that turkey and gravy? Well, some kids don't get enough food to eat, even on Thanksgiving! This website is AMAZING. It's like a trivia game, but each answer you get right earns 10 grains of rice. This rice goes to people in developing countries who are hungry. (for free!) Click here to give.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Hungry for more random? Visit my VillageTown blog by clicking here!
UP was nominated today for 5 Academy Awards, including Best Motion Picture of the Year and Best Animated Feature Film!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am supporting UP and hope it wins at least 1 Academy Award. It was a really good movie!
Sunday, January 17, 2010
If you are looking for a really fun, addicting game, try Penguin Diner. It is a fast food restaurant game. click HERE to play